Cagliari 16 – 20 december 2021

The international festival dedicated to Asian cinema is back, with a focus on the production of South East Asia and the Far East and, in particular, on women’s cinema and independent Japanese cinema.
Five days of events including screenings with European and national premieres, master classes, meetings with international guests, installations, special events spread.
And until January 31, 2022 at the Museo d’Arte Siamese “Stefano Cardu”, the exhibition Quaderni Giapponesi with illustrations by Igort, a tribute to one of the Sardinian artists who has explored the Far East and Japanese culture with the greatest rigor.
explored the Far East and Japanese culture.
Screenings: ERSU – Sala Teatro Nanni Loy
Exhibition: Museo d’Arte Siamese “Stefano Cardu”
Meeting: Chiesa Monumentale di Santa Chiara, EXMA
Free Entance

Under the artistic direction of Stefano Galanti and Maria Paola Zedda, Across Asia Film Festival is a project by ZEIT – Art Research – a cultural association dedicated to the promotion of art, performance and cinematography – with the contribution of Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, Comune di Cagliari and Fondazione di Sardegna, the support of Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission, together with the collaboration of ERSU – Ente Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario di Cagliari, Ticonzero, Società di Sant’Anna, Contemp0ranea – Liceo Artistico Brotzu di Quartu, DiDstudio and media partners Asian World and Asia Movie Pulse.
From 2013 to present, Across Asia Film Festival dedicates its programming to independent scenes and arthouse cinema through focuses on specific movements and geographic areas, showcasing the prolific output of Asian cinema and its extraordinary linguistic and artistic innovation. The festival represents a window on the world and a non-stereotypical way of looking at Asia and its representations. It is also a place for international relations, a context for connecting distant artistic scenes by stimulating opportunities for synergy and co-production.