Director Emir Baigazin
Cast Zhalgas Klanov, Eric Tazabekov, Zhasulan Userbayev, Ruslan Userbayev, Bagdaulet Sagindikov, Sultanali Zhaksybek, Kuandyk Kystykbayev, Aida Iliyaskyzy
Country Kazakistan
Language Kazako
Year 2018
Lenght 113’
Awards Lisbon & Estoril Film Festival, Best Film, Nomination Orizzonti Award Venice Film Festival, Best Film, Nomination Tokyo International Film Festival Best Film
Ozen completes the Aslan Trilogy.
A family lives in a remote Kazakh village, living in isolation – a decision of the despotic father, who wants to shield his children from the world and its temptations.
The oldest, Aslan, becomes the father’s deputy in charge of all the work and delegating tasks to his younger brothers.
One day a mystic visitor, Kanat, arrives at the village. From the moment Kanat shows the children his tablet and computer games, life at home takes a different turn. Suddenly it’s Kanat